The Symptoms and Treatment of Farsightedness

For individuals with farsightedness, tasks that require detailed, close-up vision—such as reading, sewing, or using a computer—can be challenging, often leading to headaches, eye strain, and a diminished quality of life.

older man dealing with Hyperopia or Farsighted vision

Understanding Farsightedness

Farsightedness occurs when light entering the eye is focused behind the retina instead of directly on it. This typically happens because the eyeball is shorter than normal or the cornea has too little curvature. The result is a clear vision for distant objects but a blur for close ones. 

Symptoms: More Than Just Blurry Vision

The primary symptom of farsightedness is, of course, blurred vision when looking at close objects. However, the condition can manifest in several other ways, especially if left uncorrected:


Struggling to maintain clear vision can overwork the eye muscles, leading to discomfort.


Frequent headaches, particularly after tasks like reading or using a smartphone, are common.


Many people with farsightedness squint to minimize the blur, which can provide temporary relief.

Eye Fatigue

Extended focus on nearby tasks can lead to a general feeling of tiredness in the eyes.

Difficulty with Night Vision

Some people may find it harder to focus on objects in low-light conditions.

Diagnosis: The First Step to Clearer Vision

Diagnosing farsightedness is a straightforward process. An eye examination at Tennessee Eye Care includes a series of tests:

Visual Acuity Test

This test measures how well you see at various distances.

Refraction Assessment

Using a device called a phoropter, different lenses are placed in front of your eyes to determine the best prescription to correct your vision.

Eye Health Evaluation

A comprehensive exam to check for any other eye conditions or health issues.

These tests not only confirm farsightedness but also help in crafting a personalized vision correction plan.

Treatment Options: Bringing the World Into Focus

Once diagnosed, there are several ways to correct farsightedness:


The most common and non-invasive option. Lenses are prescribed to adjust the way light rays enter your eyes, compensating for the shape of your cornea.

Contact Lenses

Contact lenses work like glasses but sit directly on the eye, offering more natural vision correction and aesthetic flexibility.

Refractive Surgery

Some medical procedures can reshape the cornea, providing a long-term solution to farsightedness. However, surgery is not suitable for everyone and involves risks that should be discussed with an ophthalmologist.

Each treatment option has its advantages, and what works best depends on individual preferences, lifestyle, and the severity of the condition.

Reach out for an exam

Living with farsightedness can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to diminish your quality of life. At Tennessee Eye Care, we are committed to helping you navigate the world with clear, sharp vision. Our team of skilled ophthalmologists is equipped to provide comprehensive care, from diagnosis to personalized treatment plans.

Take the first step towards better vision. Schedule an appointment with us at Tennessee Eye Care, and let us bring your world into focus. Whether it’s a routine checkup or exploring vision correction options, we are here to support you on your journey to clear, comfortable vision. Remember, your eyesight is a precious gift let’s take care of it together!

Need help? Contact our office to schedule an appointment.